Light vs. Wise: A side-by-side comparison of Light Phone III vs. Wisephone II

Light vs. Wise: A side-by-side comparison of Light Phone III vs. Wisephone II

We are truly fortunate to have so many smartphone alternatives available today compared to years past.  If there is any downside to this, it would be the added challenge of sorting through options and deciding which one is best for our individual use case. 

For this reason, we felt it would be helpful to provide a comparison of two options that represent different places on the alternative phone spectrum.  We will be comparing the Light Phone III, currently available for pre-order, and the Wisephone II which is now shipping at the time of publication. 

We hope this article will help someone who is thinking about making the change from a smartphone to an alternative device.

The Smartphone Alternative Spectrum

Not long ago, if a person didn’t want to use a smartphone, options were limited. There were standard flip phones, a few premium flip phones, and Blackberries.  Today, options abound for those who are looking for an alternative.  These devices range from the extremely limited on one end to the very capable on the other. 

A complete analysis of all available options is beyond the scope of this article, but it should help the reader to envision the two devices we are comparing as being found just a little bit left and right of the center or median on the spectrum.

In other words, one leans toward the more limited side while the other is a bit more capable.  But neither one is very far from the center point. 

That means that if you are looking for something closer to either end of the spectrum, you may not find this comparison very helpful.

The Light Phone III

Let’s begin by considering the Light Phone III. We have covered this device already in some detail here.  For comparison purposes, or in case you haven’t read our write-up yet, here is a brief non-technical description.

The Light Phone III is the 3rd iteration of a completely custom phone that has always been more about what it can’t do than what it can.  The website says they “are simple devices with quality tools, designed to be used as little as possible.”

The form factor is smaller than your typical smartphone.  In fact, the previous version was only credit card sized, and weighed about as much.

This new version is larger and heavier, but not by much. Its display has always been black and white with an austere interface built around basic text menus. As with other devices in its class, and in keeping with its light philosophy, there is no internet browser, email, or social media apps available.

However the new phone does now include a camera, in cautious recognition of the usefulness of being able to capture and share some of the precious new moments in life users will be regaining and experiencing simply by using this device.

The goal of this design remains clear: to provide a simplified phone that embraces a few extra useful features above and beyond typical flip phone functionality, without opening the door to all the time-stealing distractions that plague the modern smartphone and its users.

Wisephone II

We have covered the Wisephone II previously here as well, so we’ll only briefly describe it below before comparing it with the Light Phone III.

Wisephone II bills itself as “A Healthy Smartphone,” and as “The World’s Smartest Dumbphone.” These definitions signal to prospective users that these devices are less capable than a full-featured smartphone, but not too much less. The hardware alone (it’s a Samsung Galaxy) promises a significantly more capable and in some ways more engaging experience, and the available software certainly does as well. 

Side-by-side Comparison

Let’s begin our comparison by listing and comparing some specifications and features.

Light Phone III vs Wysephone II

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These devices have a lot in common.

  • A simplified operating system.  LightOS and the “WiseOS experience” on Android are functionally quite similar, utilizing a basic text menu scheme on a monochrome background.
  • No email. Neither device offers email capability—not even through 3rd party apps.
  • No internet browser.
  • No social media. Neither device offers access to any kind of social media.
  • Similar included apps and functionality.

Obviously, either one of these devices will provide the limited functionality their target users are looking for.  At this point on the alternative device spectrum, users are getting more capability than a flip phone, a touch-screen keyboard, good messaging, and bundled apps that include the most useful mobile tools. 

Both devices offer advanced features as well, such as GPS navigation, a wifi hotspot, and basic media handling capability including the camera, photos, music, and podcasts.  So why choose one or the other? Let’s look at a few differences that we feel will matter to some users, depending on their individual needs.


Besides some incidental differences, we feel there are four main things that set these devices apart.

  1. Form factor
  2. The cameras and the way they work
  3. 3rd party app availability
  4. Price

Form factor can be a deciding issue for some users, many of whom are looking to get away not only from the unnecessary and time-consuming functionality of modern smartphones but also from their rather unhandy, large, and fragile design. The Light Phone III, at roughly 4” x 3” in size, and very light weight, can easily fit all the way into a shirt or other pocket without sticking out.  Some will also appreciate the clickable wheel navigation which reduces the need to use the touch screen.

Another major difference is the cameras and the way they work.  The Wisephone camera is a full featured modern 3-lens implementation that functions the same as any modern smartphone.  Light Phone’s camera uses a two-step shutter button.  Much like old point and shoot cameras, it focuses the shot with the first press and snaps the photo with the second. It is limited to center focus and a fixed focal length.

Probably the biggest difference between these two devices is 3rd party app availability.  Wisephone’s Tool Drawer that comes with the Techless subscription includes a wide variety of available apps for install. Users can install apps for airlines, banking, retail stores, restaurants and food delivery services, wearable device connectivity, some Google apps, ride share services, Merlin bird identification, payment services, productivity apps, and more.

Finally, at the time of publication, there is a fairly significant difference in price.  Light Phone III is currently $599.00 while Wisephone II can be had for $399.00.  We feel the price difference can be explained by simple economy of scale. 

Light Phone III is a custom device made in much smaller quantities than the Samsung Galaxy, so naturally the per-unit price is going to be higher.  Yet with the Light Phone, users are getting a unique, custom made device that is truly one of a kind.  We feel most users will recognize that inherent value.  Light Phone was also specifically designed to be usable for longer than a commodity smartphone with its replaceable battery and a promise from the company to “continue to support our products as long as we can.”


Light vs. Wise. Which will you choose? We think the essential difference between these devices is right there in the names. The Light Phone is truly designed to do less, which makes it best for those whose cell phone use case is: light. The Wisephone is capable of meeting the needs of smartphone power users who use their phones more but want to do so more wisely, with more intentionality and less distraction.  We hope this article helps you decide which is best for you.

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